Source code for copytrav
"""Copytrav provides the ability to create copies of python package data on disk."""
import importlib.resources
from import Traversable
import os
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
def copy(module: str, pth: Path=None, dst: Path=None,
notop: bool=False) -> Path:
"""Given a module in the form: 'module.sub_module', copy all items at the
pth to the destination, dst. If no path given, the module from the root
level is copied.
module: The path to (typically) the namespace module containing data
in the example form "".
dst: Where you want the items copied to. Top-level dir is copied. If no
dst is given, a temporary directory will be created.
pth: Path in the example form
notop: If true, exclude the top-level directory from the copy.
The path to the directory to which items were copied. If dst is given,
this will simply be dst.
first_run = True
def copy_aux(current_level: Traversable, current_path: Path):
nonlocal first_run
nonlocal notop
if notop and first_run:
new_path = current_path
first_run = False
new_path = os.path.join(current_path,
if current_level.is_dir():
if new_path!=current_path:
for item in current_level.iterdir():
copy_aux(item, new_path)
with open(new_path, "wb") as new_file:
start = importlib.resources.files(module)
if pth:
for_split = pth.split(os.path.sep)
for level in for_split:
start = start.joinpath(level)
if not dst:
dst = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=module.replace(".", "_"))
copy_aux(start, dst)
return dst