
Copying Python Traversals

Modern Python packaging has support for data files to be included with the package alongside source files. There are many times when you might want to have copies of these files on disk, often when being used with external or third-party programs, and this is the role copytrav fills. You may, of course, use importlib.resources.as_file(traversable), but there are still other times when a context manager isn’t good enough.



pip install copytrav


Copying a Directory

from copytrav import copy

copy("", "path/to_directory", "output_path")

Copying a File

from copytrav import copy

copy("", "path/to_file", "output_path")

Copy the Whole Module

from copytrav import copy

copy("", dst="output_path")

Copy the Whole Module into a TempDir

from copytrav import copy

tempdir = copy("")

Building the Documentation

clone the repository

pip install -e .[dev]

cd docs && make html

API Reference

Indices and tables